EBPMAN here it today we are going to take a look at innovative device that can expand the use of your iphone this commodity is brought to Zero lemon and it’s the IMEM stick 3 point out let’s check it out nations of the iphone is its inability to expand in other words other telephones like LG samsung too a good deal of the surfacing phones like the X on the mad behavior have all expandable reminiscence answers this is still one of those mixtures that doesn’t have an expandable recognition and that makes you to have to either vested a substantial amount of dollars to get a high memory a answer or deal with the fact that you’re invariably running out of space now yes there are other options you can use let’s say like Google photos or some file natures solutions like Google Drive or even one drive but that’s also very data intensive so an alternative for those of you who are going on vacation or precisely taking a lot of portraits is to consider the mem stick that we have here now let’s take a look at something right here just a second so this I’m stick there’s a marry things not only does it give you the ability to expand the memory and this one here is a 64 gig remember remain but it also plays the role of a charger so this memory stick not only will allow you to transfer content from your telephone to the stick that really no expenditure no data costs its compact but it will also serve as a charger so let’s go ahead and do the unboxing see how it acts another highlight a duet things that this flash drive gives people the ability to do which is pretty unique first of all you can again use it to charge your iphone or ipad and even that uses a lightning connector you can’t free space by change your registers immediately to the some storage adhere you can also take photos and video directly to the memory 60 you have this plugged into your phone and you’re shooting a video you were able to do that as well you can stream movies I directly from the attach as well and in the facts of the case that you can both stream and too record in real go is great there’s a lot of kinfolks peculiarly youtubers are exerting their iphone 4 video blogging and when they’re on the go and once again they may have some challenges when it comes to memory only push this thing into your iPhone or your iPad and you’re set to go and you have 60 for more gig on your on your design now again it’s all about sharing and it’s all about portability so let’s check it out you have your little placard right here that’s going to be more about patient gratification and then you have the recognition deposit so very simple packaging not much to it genuinely attach itself is pretty small-minded you have your USB connector here and then what you have is a cable coming out of it and if you attract this area at this area this area now you are eligible to open it up and then this is your lightning connector that you connect your iphone so this you connect to your pc or a artillery backup mixture and this you connect your iPhone and this is an idea file transfer as well as movie enters or direct log from your iphone to the actual memory stick so very compact and again not much to it and you don’t want there to be much to it because all you want to do is plug it in and was at work you plug in the mem stick with the IM stick to your iphone it’s immediately going to ask you to install this app the free app there’s no cost to it and this is going to allow you to access the storage and actually control everything that’s out there so just install it and then you’re set to go cool boasts first of all the exceedingly bottom here you can see how much remembering you have on your phone and then too versus what you have on a poke you do have the ability to backup your contacts that something you’d like to do and then you have access to all these different services to see what’s on the drive to reflect upon this is going to show me what’s available on the drive I go back it’s going to give me likewise the ability to access from the media or employments storage information that i can pull material from telephone to the actual memory stick about the app is that if you do rotate it does take a different scenery coming it compiles it easier if you’re going to videos so i’m going to go into let’s say my media database i’m going to go into video some of my imovie videos and what I can do here is I can choose to have a select up now so i can choose any of the videos that are here i’m going to choose hand-picked i’m going to come down and espouse a video Alex selective have a couple alternatives you have one touchback up or i can do a duplicate and espouse facsimile and then i’m going to go to hear your hand-pickeds right I’m gonna do to external storage and I can employ it wherever I want now so i situated it now and then what I’m going to do is just go ahead and do the facsimile you verify the forgery process all I did is I command us and you can see how quickly this thing is going so it’s very fast okay i’m going to confirm to do one more because yeah “whos working” you select choose it it’s selected going to copy the external storage and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to choose the reproduce button and notice how fast i think it’s going very awfully very fast a review of the zero lemon I mem stick to point out a great companion device or gadget for your iphone you’re going on vacation and you want to have a billing cable it suffices accusing cable if you like the backup video or only expand the memory of your phone is the most cheap lane to do it thanks for watching if you have any comments questions in the comment area below or you can click on that subscribe button and it is a video now that you’re interested please click and check it out thanks for watching
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